Friday, February 20, 2015

Payback of using IntelaTrac in a typical refinery


Wonderware IntelaTrac is the industry-leading mobile workforce and decision support system 


IntelaTrac includes configurable software and ruggedized mobile hardware solutions that enable workflow, data collection and general task management for plant operations, maintenance management, production tracking and compliance applications.

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

The best principle behind our diagnostic software is to avoid downtime

It's a long way from 1996 when this classic Wonderware ad came out. Since then we've branched into DT Analyst to Wonderware MES Software - Performance.

Check us out at our new software website.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Make decisions at the speed of your process

ARC Whitepaper: Guide to real time operations profitability

Now available! 

Download your complimentary copy of a new ARC whitepaper that addresses the value of implementing a real time operations system.

With Wonderware Manufacturing Execution Systems, real-time process data is collected and analyzed in real time from your operator and your control systems, helping to ensure quality, safety, productivity and compliance — in the blink of an eye.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Reliable, safe and profitable operations in any industry

Trust that ensures the safety and efficiency of plant operations

Wonderware IntelaTrac enables manufacturers and processors to achieve reliable, safe and profitable operations through consistent execution of best practices by the field workforce — accelerating and sustaining mainstream process improvements.

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Monday, February 16, 2015

Mobile workflow, data collection and task management with IntelaTrac

IntelaTrac includes configurable software and ruggedized mobile hardware solutions that enable workflow, data collection and general task management for plant operations, maintenance management, production tracking and compliance applications.

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Thursday, February 5, 2015

It's time for Wonderware

Classic: "Empower your operators with Wonderware and you're on your way to the easiest, most cost-effective way to achieving real productivity gains"

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From low total cost of ownership to improved profitability

Simplify the enablement of your workforce.

No matter where you are, where you go or what information you are looking for, take Avantis with you.

Combine asset history with real time insight for instant context. Our suite of offerings deliver focused, real-time equipment performance, reliability, and decision support information.


Asset Performance Management at work


At Avantis, we help customers extract the most economic value possible from all assets in their industrial operations.

Download the free eBook on Avantis Asset Management customer success stories and find out how.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Benefits of Asset Management


Maximize Asset Reliability and Utilization


Avantis has the products, services and domain expertise to meet your business requirements from the production line to the bottom line. The Avantis advanced Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Suite enables your enterprise to do more than simply maintain assets.
  • 20 -30 % improvement in asset utilization
  • 10-20% improvement in regulatory compliance
  • 10-20% reduced maintenance cost
  • 10-20% increased asset availability

Avantis Asset Management at Hendrick Motorsports

Watch the Hendrick Motorsports success story and find out how Avantis helps maximize asset reliability.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

An MES that's making a difference

Three out of four customers choose Wonderware MES as it offers the best integration to their automated processes and equipment.

Case in point, watch this success story from F&N Dairies

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Monday, February 2, 2015

Wonderware InTouch Panel PC Overview

Watch a video that provides a technical overview of the InTouch Panel PC.


InTouch Panel PCs require only your hands to replace all key components

The Wonderware® InTouch® Panel PC provides users the freedom and power to use a PC-based Wonderware InTouch with applications that previously used closed, proprietary terminals.

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