Thursday, June 27, 2013

How BELCO achieved ISO 14001 certification

BELCO achieved the prestigious ISO 14001:2004 certification for environmental management, in part because of the data collection and reporting capabilities of the Wonderware Historian and Wonderware IntelaTrac.

BELCO achieved the prestigious ISO 14001:2004 certification for environmental management, in part because of the data collection and reporting capabilities of the Wonderware Historian and Wonderware IntelaTrac.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bermuda Electric and the Power of System Platform

System Platform has enabled BELCO to integrate and unify various operations management systems, including recently added and legacy devices.

This is the fourth post of a series on the success of Bermuda Electric (BELCO). Today, I'll focus on how BELCO took advantage of the power of System Platform to integrate and unify their various operations management systems, upgrade legacy systems, achieved consistency and created a standard that enables them to easily add whole plants (or new sections of plants) as they come on-line.

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Monday, June 24, 2013

At Bermuda Electric, Connectivity is Key

Wonderware helps BELCO communicate with the different devices that make up the old and new power plants in Bermuda

This is the third post of a multi-part series on the success achieved at the Bermuda Electric Company (BELCO). In my first post, I talked about how Wonderware software's reliability and ease of use helped BELCO be self sufficient and have the capability to provide a secure, reliable and sustainable electric power system. In the second post, I talked about how BELCO took advantage of the upward compatibility of Wonderware software which enabled them to plan for the future.

In this post, I'd like to talk about the importance of connectivity and how Wonderware helps BELCO communicate with the different devices that make up the old and new power plants in Bermuda.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bermuda Electric and the importance of planning

In island locations like Bermuda, the design and maintenance of power systems  can require more effort

This is the second post of a multi-part series on the success achieved by the Bermuda Electric Company (BELCO). In my previous post, I talked about how Wonderware software's reliability and ease of use helped BELCO be self sufficient and have the capability to provide a secure, reliable and sustainable electric power system. In this post, I'd like to talk about the importance of planning and how Wonderware helps in long term decision making, modernization and legacy migration.

In most areas in North America, electricity is an expected amenity. We almost take it for granted because we know that the infrastructure that creates and delivers power is reliable and solid. There are so many power plants spread out throughout the United States that the failure of one or two plants won't affect the supply of electricity. In island locations like Bermuda however where resources are limited, the design, operation and maintenance of power systems requires more planning and effort.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Invensys helps provide electricity to Bermuda

Invensys Helps Bermuda Utility Provide Consistent Power and Deploy Upgrades Self-Sufficiently

I'm starting a series of posts that will talk about the benefits of the Wonderware solution that was installed at the power plants of the Bermuda Electric Light Company (BELCO).

The success story at BELCO is worth telling as it showcases what can be done by a utilities company that provides electricity to the residents and visitors of Bermuda, a chain of 181 islands stretched over 20 miles in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Imagine yourself being a power provider in an island where the nearest land mass is over 700 miles away. You have all this technology and equipment and you're a long way from everything else. It's important to be self sufficient and have all the resources to provide a secure, reliable and sustainable electric power system.

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